How To Keep Cats Out Of House Plants - PlantingTree

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How To Keep Cats Out Of House Plants

We love our cats. They are wonderful companions that purr in our lap and lower our blood pressure. A snuggle from your cat on a crappy day can make things right with the world again. And a cat turd in a plant pot or a shredded plant can do the opposite! We love plants too! Is there a world where cats and plants can coexist in a home peacefully? I think so! Read on to learn How to Keep Cats out of House Plants.

How to Keep Cats out of House Plants: Chewers

For cats who like to chew on houseplants, the key is to make them smell and/or taste bad. Here are some methods for deterring cats who chew on plants.
1. Try pepper spray or a bitter spray, like bitter apple, over and under the leaves. Be sure the spray is safe for cats.
2. Cats do not like the smell of citrus oils so peels can safely be added to the soil. Essential oils can be toxic to cats so do not use citrus essential oils to deter your cat. They can be absorbed through the mouth or skin and cause liver damage.
3. Give them their own plants! There are several varieties of cat grass for cats to enjoy and, of course, you can go for the standard catnip plant. You can’t go wrong with catnip!

How to Keep Cats out of House Plants: Pee-ers and Poopers

For cats who enjoy soiling house plant pots either block off access to the soil or make the soil unpleasant for the cat to step in. Here are some tips for how to keep cats out of house plants.
1. Add rocks to the soil. Cats love dirt and sand under their paws, but rocks not so much. They aren’t as comfy to dig through when preparing for potty time or covering their waste.
2. Add mesh around the trunk or base of the plant over the soil or lip of the pot.
3. Cats absolutely hate tin foil so stick some in the pot over the soil or even around your plant to deter your cat from pooping in your plants! Most cats avoid tin foil like the plague so this is a great way to keep cats away from just about anything!
4. They feel the same about double sided tape. Oh the horror of the sticky on their paws! Put double sided tape on the floor around your plant.
5. Try a different litter. Your cat may dislike the lovely scented litter you chose for her. Many cats prefer unscented litter.
6. Always have one more litter box than cat if you have an outside of the litter box soiling situation going on in your home.
7. Make sure your cat’s litter box is comfortable for him. Many cats do not like covered litter boxes. Older cats may need a lower litter box that is easier for them to get in and out of.
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