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Pruning Crape Myrtle | Avoiding Crape Murder

Crape Murder or topping may be an easier form of pruning especially when you want to control the size of your Crape Myrtle, but it makes your tree weaker. By removing most of the branches and cutting your tree back to the trunks you can actually promote several issues that result in an unhealthy and less attractive tree.
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Juniper Facts

Junipers are indisputably the most useful and easy to grow landscape shrubs out there. These evergreen bushes are hardy, beautiful, low maintenance, and grow throughout the United States. The versatile Juniper is widely used by professional landscapers because this tough plant thrives with almost no care and offers year-round interest.

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The Dogwood Tree | An American Treasure

Even the novice gardener tends to recognize a Dogwood tree.  Dogwood trees are native to the eastern US and frequently seen naturally there and in the landscape throughout the United States.  The native and most popular Dogwood, Cornus florida, is the state tree of Missouri and Virginia as well as the state flower of Virginia and North Carolina.  The stunning, four petaled blossoms are unique and a sure sign that spring is here!
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Watering New Trees

Watering new trees at initial installation is very important.  Watering plants incorrectly it is why most plants die after they are planted. The best thing to do is to use your garden hose and remove the spray end if there is one on the hose.  We want to use the hose by itself or a shower wand.
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