How To Keep Cats Out Of House Plants
We love our cats. They are wonderful companions that purr in our lap and lower our blood pressure. A snuggle from your cat on a crappy day can make things right with the world again. And a cat turd in...
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We love our cats. They are wonderful companions that purr in our lap and lower our blood pressure. A snuggle from your cat on a crappy day can make things right with the world again. And a cat turd in...
What is a Citronella Plant? Citronella plant (Pelargonium citronellum) is a natural mosquito repellent. These mosquito repelling plants can make your outdoor living experience much better without exposing yourself to harsh chemicals like deet! This pretty plant keeps mosquitoes away...
Did you know that having indoor plants is good for your health? Plants absorb carbon dioxide, add oxygen to the air, and filter out toxins and pollutants. They aren’t just pretty accents for your home! Houseplants are natural air purifiers!...
Learning how to grow Gardenias in pots allows you to enjoy the beauty and fragrance no matter where you live. You can keep your plants in a sunny spot inside your home, or you can move your gardenias inside for...
Rose trees are landscape showpieces. These little beauties are normal rose bushes that are grafted onto the cane of a hardy rootstock chosen for desired attributes such as cold hardiness and disease resistance. Rose trees add a polished look to...
Figs are a delicious and healthy fruit that are surprisingly easy to grow. Fig trees planted in the ground require no care once they are established. But not everyone has the luxury of being able to plant a fruit tree in...
Fresh lemons and limes enrich your culinary and mixology game. You can utilize the juice, pulp, and zest to add depth to a plethora of main courses, side dishes, and desserts. And don't forget the best part, rather, the pièce de résistance, the cocktail (or mocktail if you prefer). This is why we not only love citrus we want to grow our own!