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Fast Growing Trees

Fast Growing Trees can grow 2 feet or more in a single year. Trees with a rapid growth rate are useful in the home landscape to offer fast shade, beauty, or privacy. They quickly add value and help your house become a home. Fast Growing Trees can remove unwanted views and protect us from nosy neighbors in a snap. They also reduce our electric bills by providing fast cooling shade for our homes.

More Information
Thuja Green Giant
201 reviews
Weeping Willow Tree
97 reviews
Eastern Redbud
86 reviews
Italian Cypress Tree
39 reviews
Kwanzan Cherry Tree
75 reviews
Yoshino Cherry Tree
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Forest Pansy Redbud
65 reviews
Leyland Cypress
94 reviews
Autumn Blaze Maple
51 reviews
October Glory Maple
61 reviews
Natchez Crape Myrtle
40 reviews
Carolina Sapphire Cypress
55 reviews

What are Some Fast Growing Trees for Shade?

Redbuds, like the Eastern Redbud, Oklahoma Redbud tree, Royal White Redbud, and Forest Pansy Redbud are flowering trees that tolerate some shade and have a fast growth rate. Fast growing shade trees, like the Weeping Willow and maples, like the October Glory Maple tree, Brandywine Maple, and Red Sunset Maple tree will tolerate some shade. The Nellie Stevens is a great fast growing privacy tree for part shade sites. The Cryptomeria Radicans is a fast growing evergreen that will grow in part shade conditions.

Fast Growing Trees for Small Yards

The best options in small ornamental trees that grow with a quick growth rate are crape myrtles or redbuds. Crape myrtles grow 3 to 5 feet per year, even the dwarf varieties! Check the mature size with crape myrtles. They vary from 4 to 5 feet tall to over 30 feet! Wax Myrtles can also grow 3 to 5 feet per year and only reach 20 feet tall and 10 feet wide. They can be kept pruned to be much smaller and grown as a privacy hedge. Leyland Cypress, Natchez Crape Myrtle, Carolina Sapphire Cypress, Muskogee Crape Myrtle, Tuscarora Crape Myrtle, Cleveland Pear Tree, Cryptomeria Radicans, Fuyu Persimmon, Thuja Green Giant, and Dynamite Crape Myrtle do not grow wider than 20 feet. Black Diamond Crape Myrtles, Catawba Crape Myrtle, Magic Crape Myrtles, Tonto Crape Myrtle, and Nellie Stevens Holly are excellent for small yards. They do not grow wider than 10 feet at maturity. Italian Cypress are narrow, columnar evergreen trees that are excellent for adding height to small yards. They can grow up to about 50 feet, but stay a mere 4 to 5 feet wide at maturity.

How to Plant Fast Growing Trees

Keep the soil moist until you are able to plant your potted tree. Dig a hole twice the width of the container. Place your tree in the hole. Check from several angles to be sure the tree is straight before backfilling the soil. The top of the root ball should be slightly visible above the soil line. Backfill the soil around your tree’s roots. Apply 1 to 2 inches of mulch in a mound around your tree. Keep the mulch about an inch away from the trunk of your tree to avoid disease. Water deeply at the base of your tree until the soil is fully saturated. Water daily for the first week. Water deeply about twice per week for the first month or 2 while your Fast Growing Tree is establishing.

When to Plant Fast Growing Trees

Spring and fall are the best seasons for planting trees throughout most of the United States. If you live in an area where the ground freezes in winter, plant at least 6 to 8 weeks before this occurs to give your Fast Growing Trees time to start to establish. Subtropical regions (growing zones 8, 9, 10, 11) can plant anytime in fall and even in winter. Plant in summer in cooler areas, but offer plenty of water.

How to Fertilize Fast Growing Trees

Feed your fast growing trees with our balanced slow release fertilizer when planting and every spring to encourage the fastest growth rates. Our specially formulated fertilizer can be used at the time of planting with no risk of plant burn. This plant food feeds trees, shrubs, perennials, evergreens, vegetables, houseplants, and more for up to 6 months. Apply 1 teaspoon per foot for trees. Sprinkle on the ground or work into the surface layer of soil.

how to fertilize fast growing trees