Hydrangeas Soil Type_Adaptable - PlantingTree

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Bobo Hydrangea

Bobo Hydrangea


Introduction Dwarf Hydrangea Loaded with Blooms! White, clustered blooms from summer to fall Perfect for small spaces Heat tolerant Hardy, floweri...

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how do you care for hydrangeas?

How Do You Care For Hydrangeas?

Most hydrangeas prefer at least some shade to be at their best, but there are varieties that tolerate even full sun. Hydrangeas love a deep watering especially when it is hot out. Fertilize your hydrangeas in spring with a slow release fertilizer or change the color with our Espoma organic soil acidifier.

pruning hydrangeas

When Do You Prune Hydrangeas?

Determine whether your hydrangea blooms on old or new wood. Old wood hydrangeas like Oakleaf and Big Leaf (lacecap, mophead) should be pruned once the flowers have browned out in late summer. New wood hydrangeas like smooth and panicle should be pruned when dormant in late winter or early spring. Learn More about the best time to prune hydrangeas

when do hydrangeas bloom?

When Do Hydrangeas Bloom?

Bloom time varies amongst different types and varieties of hydrangea and your climate. The main flowering season is summer, but many hydrangeas bloom well into fall. Newer reblooming hydrangeas bloom in late spring all the way through fall.

What Do You Do With Hydrangeas in Fall?

Thin out lacecap and mophead hydrangeas by removing the oldest canes and newest shoots by pruning them back to the ground or main branch. Oakleaf hydrangeas do not require pruning, but if you want to prune them for size or shape control do it in autumn. You can deadhead any hydrangeas in fall to help improve bloom size and quantity.

what do you do with hydrangeas in fall?