North Carolina Trees Grows in Zones_4 - PlantingTree

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North Carolina Trees

Eastern Redbud

Eastern Redbud


For breathtaking blooms, the Eastern Redbud tree is a burst of fuchsia! Plus, it’s one of the first trees to bloom in spring, meaning you get long-...

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Baby Blue Spruce

Baby Blue Spruce


If you love the Colorado Blue Spruce, but don’t have the room, the Baby Blue is just what you are looking for. This dwarf blue spruce tree stays un...

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Red Maple Tree

Red Maple Tree


The Red Maple Tree can easily grow 40-60 feet tall with a round to oval shape. This Maple is extremely cold hardy. It will grow faster than a sugar...

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Tulip Poplar

Tulip Poplar


An immensely popular tree, the Tulip Poplar, is a fast grower and brilliant yellow show-er! Widely used as a street, shade, or ornamental tree, the...

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Ginkgo Tree

Ginkgo Tree


The hearty Ginkgo is one of the most recognizable trees. Did you know that this Chinese native goes back over 270 million years?! If you thought th...

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Corkscrew Willow

Corkscrew Willow


Introduction There is Nothing Else Like the Corkscrew Willow! Unique and Stunning! Fast Growing! Year-Round Interest Never Bareroot... All plants...

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Northern Red Oak

Northern Red Oak


Introduction Fast Growing Shade Tree considered a National Treasure! Stunning Red Fall Color Adaptable and Tolerant Easy to Grow Attracts Wildlife...

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Canadian Hemlock Tree

Canadian Hemlock


Introduction The Most Cold Hardy Privacy Screen! Trim to any Height and Width Plant in Full Sun or Full Shade! A Graceful and Strong Focal tree N...

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Red Sunset Maple Tree

Red Sunset Maple


Introduction Stunning Orange-Red Fall Color Gets 40-60 feet tall Fast Growing - up to 2 feet per year! Great shade tree Never Bareroot... All pla...

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Kieffer Pear Tree

Kieffer Pear Tree


Introduction Hardy Pear Tree That Can Be Grown at Home Firm, sweet, juicy fruit Resistant to blight Self-pollinating Low chill hour requirements C...

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Lombardy Poplar

Lombardy Poplar


Introduction An Elegant, Columnar Tree that Grows 6 feet per year! Great Windbreak or Privacy Screen Perfect for Tight Spaces that need some heigh...

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Dougals Blue Fir

Blue Douglas Fir


Douglas Blue Fir Add Year-Round Blue Color and Texture to your Landscape! Extremely Easy Care, A True Classic in the American Landscape Hardy AND...

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Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple


This colossal Maple Tree is the classic icon of autumn color. Its large canopy is a magnificent green in summer, giving way to brilliant yellows, o...

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Silver Maple Tree

Silver Maple


Introduction One of the Fastest Growing and Tallest Maples! Reaches heights up to 80 feet Silver-backed leaves Great tree for shade A true America...

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Dawn Redwood Tree

Dawn Redwood Tree


Introduction A Rare and Unique Relic Once Thought Extinct! Long Living tree No Maintenance! Striking Golden-Orange fall foliage Tolerates wet soil...

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5 N 1 Apple Tree

5-In-1 Apple Tree


Introduction 5 Different Apples on One Tree! Enjoy fruit the very first year A flavor for everyone in the family Get 5 unique apple varieties on o...

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What Trees are Native to North Carolina?

The red maple is a North Carolina native tree. It grows about 2 feet per year and matures to 40 to 60 feet tall and 30 to 40 feet wide. These North Carolina trees steal the show in fall with their fiery red foliage. The river birch is a very fast growing tree that is native to North Carolina. It has 1 to 4 trunks with unique flaky bark and grows up to 50 feet tall and 25 to 40 feet wide. The tulip poplar is another extremely fast growing North Carolina native shade tree. It grows up to 70 feet tall and 30 to 40 feet wide and has lovely tulip-like blossoms in spring. The native American sycamore is also fast growing with growth rates of 3 to 6 feet per year. This hardy shade tree is beautiful and has a very long lifespan. The northern red oak grows 50 to 75 feet tall and 35 to 45 feet wide at maturity. This pretty native tree is a favorite of wildlife and songbirds. The eastern redbud is a stunning flowering native North Carolina tree. It is one of the earliest spring bloomers with an explosion of small purple flowers. This tree grows up to 30 feet tall and wide at maturity. Flowering dogwoods (Cornus florida) are small native trees that grow 15 to 25 feet tall and wide at maturity. Their beautiful white, pink, or red blooms emerge in early spring. 

What Fruit Trees Grow in North Carolina?

The Meyer lemon tree can grow in the ground in the warmest parts of the state or as a patio plant in zones 5, 6, and 7. Apple trees, peach trees, cherry trees, and pear trees can grow throughout North Carolina. Fig trees and persimmon trees can grow in growing zones 7 and 8. The Chicago hardy fig tree can grow in zone 5 and 6 as well. These fruit trees all make excellent North Carolina trees.

When to Plant Trees in North Carolina?

Spring and fall are great seasons for planting North Carolina trees. For the warmer parts of North Carolina you can plant most trees just about anytime of year. Take care to offer plenty of water when planting in summer. The cooler parts of the state can plant almost anytime as long as the ground isn’t frozen. North Carolina trees that are sensitive to low temperatures should not be planted in winter. Trees that prefer cooler temperatures and get stressed by heat and drought should not be planted in summer.

When to Prune Trees in North Carolina?

Winter or early spring when trees are dormant (or resting as in the case of evergreen trees) is the best time to prune most North Carolina trees. However, spring blooming trees should be pruned once their bloom period has ended. Fall when temperatures are cool and trees are beginning to slow down their metabolic processes is also a good time for pruning North Carolina trees. Minor pruning can be done anytime of the year. Broken, dead, or diseased branches should be removed when you notice them regardless of the time of year.

Where Can I Buy Trees in North Carolina?

Buy trees for sale from our North Carolina nursery. PlantingTree is a family owned and operated online plant nursery located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We ship our premium plants and trees right to your doorstep. Buy North Carolina trees here. Scroll up to view our collection of North Carolina trees. Nursery not open to the public. 

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